Friday, August 9, 2013

Two months and two days to spare!

Hey y'all!

I totally posted in less than two years! Two months and two days from now is, believe it or not, my first wedding anniversary. That's right. So much has happened since I last posted. Got married, bought a house, finished my Masters degree and I'm not even on a hallucinogen - THIS ALL ACTUALLY HAPPENED!

In the process of getting married, I got a daughter! My stepdaughter Riley. Time+Love = A Blessed Life. She's going into second grade in two weeks.

 Now, if I can secure full time employment, life as I know will be totally settled. Wanna see a picture of my wedding? I knew you did! Here are picture(s).

Aside from it being just a perfect wedding... it was PUBLISHED on a wedding blog! All thanks to my beyond amazing photographers, Wanda Cavazos and Mell Bell from Richard Bell Photography. Check it out!

And here is my graduation picture - a good day as well! 

So, in the last (almost) two years, life has just kept getting better. So very much to be thankful for, and to keep looking forward to! 

I think I'll start posting again. I need an outlet to put all my musings on body image. Perhaps I will start a new blog for that intent. I'll let you know.

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