Monday, March 31, 2008

Paul Giamatti hits it out of the park

Update: Found it!! (Gotta love YouTube)

If you haven't been watching "John Adams" on HBO, you are truly depriving yourself. It's brilliant down to every detail. I was trying to find a clip from this week's episode depicting the Inauguration of George Washington.

Wow, what a scene.

Think about what that must have been like. To be there, a former resident of a country that dictated how you lived, what you thought and who you worshiped, now standing on the soil of a brand new nation built on the foundation of personal liberty. And watching the very first President of that liberty take his oath of office. That just gives me goose bumps. Bravo to HBO for capturing such a feeling. As soon as I can find it on YouTube, I'll put it up here.

Meanwhile, here's a scene from the first episode:

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Friday, March 28, 2008


Parents Pick Prayer Over Doc; Girl Dies

Here's my first question: why does it seem like only morons breed the most? I know there are statistics that evidence this, but I'm too tired to Google right now.

Here's my second question: how much more evidence do people need that when God created everything, He created it with the ability to be autonomic? Adaptation and mutation, breathing, tectonic activity, lunar cycles, fertilization, your heartbeat, the transmission of nervous impulses, etc... autonomic processes. In other words, yes Jehovah-raffa is the Healer but did it ever occur to anyone that the exceptional minds of doctors might perhaps be the manifestation of that power? Do you have ANY IDEA what it takes to get into med school much less through it? The ones that question the knowledge and experience of doctors and take their childrens' lives into their own hands by "praying away" diabetes or choosing to skip the MMR even though it has been proven over and over again to have no to relevance or relationship to autism should be held accountable for the consequences of their actions.

These parents robbed their daughter of life. They robbed her of ever graduating high school, or having her own babies or doing the things in life she dreamed of. They took that away from her, not God. This was not a common cold that went awry; the girl had diabetes. She died slowly, over a month and only when she actually passed did her parents try to intervene. I know we all have our own interpretation of God, but here's mine: you do what you do - God allows it. It may not be what you are supposed to do, but you do it nevertheless. That's where action and consequence come in to play.

I could go on about this for some time, but I will not. I also promise to make my next blog full of optimism and appreciation! But I will add this disclaimer: just because a doctor offers you an antibiotic or an anti-depressant doesn't mean you should take it. Learn to make your own decisions based on ALL of the facts (read: fact = something that can be verified according to an established standard of evaluation). Do I pray when I get a cold that God will miraculously make me invincible to a secondary sinus infection? No. Because I have learned just how nifty the immune system He made is. Were I to start sneezing something the color of camouflage, I would probably revisit the situation. My point is this, you have a brain, and it ain't pretty for a reason. It's meant to be used! If you read all that, I'd like to give you a round of applause!

Thursday, March 27, 2008


Have you seen this?

Miss Bimbo

Here's a blurb:
"The latest in online games for girls is Miss Bimbo: Virtual Fashion Game!. Think of it as a “Paris Hilton” simulator aimed at 9-16 year old girls. This is basically a Tamagochi-style MMO where you care for and groom your Bimbo avatar to be the most popular, coolest bimbo ever. You’ll power-up by carefully nurturing her eating disorder with diet pills and giving her breast implants. Grinding is achieved by scoping out rich boy-toys to leech off of."

An article: Alarm as doll gets breast implants in "Miss Bimbo"

You have GOT to be kidding me. I hope every last one of you will join me in lobbing emails, letters, phone calls or whatever correspondence you prefer at this misogynistic idiocy. As if there isn't already an arsenal of toxic influence on young girls without an online tutorial of how to be an anorexic gold-digger. 9 year olds? I can't even make sense of this! WHO is allowing their daughter to partake in this nonsense? How did we get so screwed up as to make eating disorders seductive to children?

Here's a quote from the designer of this game:
"It is not a bad influence for young children. They learn to take care of their bimbos. The missions and goals are morally sound and teach children about the real world." Nicolas Jacquart

Thanks for clarifying, Nicolas. Perhaps Nick should spend less time "leveling up" and more time trying to get a date.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Hey Ladies...

A little Gerard for your Tuesday. Why? WHY NOT??

Monday, March 24, 2008

I Heart Ron Paul

Why Ron Paul Still Runs

Like Dr. Paul says, elections are temporary... revolutions are not. So McCain has the (R) nod... I doubt he will get elected and even if he does, perhaps another 4 years of absolute donkey crap is what some people will need to change their minds (and if you don't think this country is in donkey crap or that Hilary "wouldn't be so bad", you must have this). Or 4 years of socialist propaganda might have a similar effect.

Either way, you're not going to stop hearing his name after November 4th. He retained his Congressional seat by a landslide and that was his first priority... not the Presidency. I take comfort in knowing that he still has a voice in Congress (and one that will be heard whether or not the majority likes it). Perhaps someday we'll realize that we don't have to rely on the media to tell us who to vote for. Maybe we'll realize that we can actually filter information for ourselves instead of having the media chew it up and regurgitate it to us like baby birds.

Meanwhile, I'll be writing in Dr. Paul on the ballot this November.

He is a financial Jedi Master. Fear him.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


For those of you who still stubbornly refuse to watch "Ghost Hunters," I've found two nice compilations of the 'best of' footage.

Part 1:

Part 2:

This one is really cool. You can start the video about halfway through, when the Medium is talking to Jason. Ooh the pretty colors!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Brought to you by the letters A,C,G &T

For those of you who have been shut tightly in a closet for the past 4 years, I have a niece named Sophie. She's the coolest kid ever and I'm not just saying that because she gets all of her good traits and looks from me.

Yesterday Mom bought her a new bathing suit for this year. A two-piece, Minnie Mouse suit. Vania bought her a matching towel. Oh the glory of a new bathing suit and matching towel! She immediately stripped herself naked and wanted to put the suit on then set her towel up and declared it "Sophie's beach." She swam on Sophie's beach and made up songs about Sophie's beach. The kid likes the beach. She gets it honestly. All the females in our family love the beach. She'll probably also inherit Restless Leg Syndrome. You win some, you lose some, kid.

But anyway, my sister and I had an interesting conversation about genetics yesterday. Well, I found it interesting, she may differ in opinion. It made me nostalgic for sitting in a biology class and taking notes on stuff I find really freaking cool. It also made me think about the Human Genome Project and all they have discovered about our DNA. So whilst Googling away on genetics, I came across this very funny site provided by the University of Utah:

They also have D-I-Y genetic research... *Mad Science Megan wrings her hands and cackles loudly* Also, did you know that April 25th is National DNA Day? Don't forget to thank your DNA for all it does for you. This day commemorates the completion of the genome project and the discovery of the Double Helix. I also came across this nifty image of Spectral Karyotyping and now I understand why I always wanted to be a scientist:


And speaking of genetic engineering, if you haven't read "Next" by Michael Crichton, go get it. It's a GREAT book! OK, I'm done wasting your time.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Phatty-boom-batty Physics

How cool is this guy? Walter Lewin

Stubbornly Uninformed

First off, let me say that I'm not really a fan of Bill Maher. His voice drives me nuts and he's pompous and self-aggrandizing to say the least. But the following rant is so accurate and well-put that I had to share it. Ignorance really isn't the problem - there are so many resources at the fingertips of even the completely uneducated these days that there is no excuse for not researching the facts. Therefore, we shall refer to these people as "stubbornly uninformed." Or as my Dad would put it, "pooling their own ignorance." Those of you who know me well know exactly who I am thinking of as I write this blog.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Don't hate!

In celebration of JibJab, here is a video that I made using their services. Featured in the video with me are my friends Sarah and Cherie.

And as if that wasn't enough fun for one night, I've made my parents Weenie Dog into an LOLCat!

funny pictures
moar funny pictures

Come on ride that train...

I finally boarded the blog train! Woot! I must say, parading myself on the web without solicitation makes me feel like I have a personality disorder. But hey it beats Prozac and it's free.

I'm sorry if this ends up being a boring blog. It's really more about me entertaining myself and that is easily accomplished. I hope that in the process of doing that, I entertain you as well. Serendipity!!

Speaking of being easily entertained, if you have not yet visited this site, please do so now: