Wednesday, December 31, 2008

The last one of the year.

2008 Highlights:
  • Getting accepted to grad school (cause I had NO idea what I was in for!!!)
  • Trip to Holden Beach with the fam
  • Meeting new friends; keeping old ones
  • Finding out I'm getting another niece- yay!
  • The iPod Nano I got for Christmas and its docking station. I am soooo technologically advanced!
2008 Lowlights:
  • Gym theft!!
  • Hmmm... I can't think of many others

All things considered, it's been an action-packed year and here's to life, love and liberty in 2009.

Please enjoy the following hilarious videos from TheOnion.Com

'Warcraft' Sequel Lets Gamers Play A Character Playing 'Warcraft'

Report: Many U.S. Parents Outsourcing Child Care Overseas

In The Know: Should The Government Stop Dumping Money Into A Giant Hole?

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

The Secret Diaries of Cats and Dogs

I know you've probably gotten this in your email at least 4 times, but it really is funny every time you read it...

Excerpts from a Dog's Diary

8:00 am - Dog food! My favorite thing!
9:30 am - A car ride! My favorite thing!
9:40 am - A walk in the park! My favorite thing!
10:30 am - Got rubbed and petted! My favorite thing!
12:00 pm - Lunch! My favorite thing!
1:00 pm - Played in the yard! My favorite thing!
3:00 pm - Wagged my tail! My favorite thing!
5:00 pm - Milk Bones! My favorite thing!
7:00 pm - Got to play ball! My favorite thing!
8:00 pm - Wow! Watched TV with the people! My favorite thing!
11:00 pm - Sleeping on the bed! My favorite thing!

Excerpts from a Cat's Daily Diary

Day 983 of my captivity...

My captors continue to taunt me with bizarre little dangling objects. They dine lavishly on fresh meat, while the other inmates and I are fed hash or some sort of dry nuggets.

Although I make my contempt for the rations perfectly clear, I nevertheless must eat something in order to keep up my strength.

The only thing that keeps me going is my dream of escape. In an attempt to disgust them, I once again vomit on the carpet.

Today I decapitated a mouse and dropped its headless body at their feet. I had hoped this would strike fear into their hearts, since it clearly demonstrates what I am capable of. However, they merely made condescending comments about what a 'good litt le hunter' I am.

There was some sort of assembly of their accomplices tonight. I was placed in solitary confinement for the duration of the event. However, I could hear the noises and smell the food. I overheard that my confinement was due to the power of 'allergies.' I must learn what this means and how to use it to my advantage.

Today I was almost successful in an attempt to assassinate one of my tormentors by weaving around his feet as he was walking. I must try this again tomorrow -- but at the top of the stairs.

I am convinced that the other prisoners here are flunkies and snitches. The dog receives special privileges. He is regularly released - and seems to be more than willing to return. He is obviously retarded.

The bird has got to be an informant. I observe him communicating with the guards regularly. I am certain that he reports my every move. My captors have arranged protective custody for him in an elevated cell, so he is safe. For now ...

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Tacky and Fabulous.

Some people know what the Christmas Spirit is all about!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Schizophrenia Lite. Only half the calories of real schizophrenia.

My brain is a happy, broken place that can only come about via months of a constant barrage of stuff! The other girls and I are kinda like this right about now (read: brief psychotic episode):

Did you know that there is an actual DSM disorder called "mal de ojo." Yep - the "evil eye" as it were. Here's an excerpt: "Children are especially at risk. Symptoms include fitful sleep, crying without apparent cause, diarrhea and vomiting." I'm sure this is nowhere near as amusing to you as it is to me, but I wanted to share, nevertheless.

I wonder how many points I'd get for spelling nevertheless on Pathwords...

Don't be too concerned. It will all be over on Thursday. Well, for this semester. What's on the agenda? Glad you asked. I'm hoping to re-learn this whole sleep thing. I plan on doing a lot of nothing. A massage will definitely figure in somewhere. Spend time with the fam and the niece I've neglected frequently over the last 4 months. And those other people... what are they... oh yeah. Friends! Yay, friend time! Wow, that's a loaded 3.5 weeks. Better get going on it.

Hey, did you know it's apparently Christmas time too? Who scheduled all this anyway? Can't wait for some Grandma Wike cooking. Oh, speaking of Grandma, she wished me well: she's concerned that I won't graduate "before we get bombed again." That Grandma. She's a fiesty one!

Here's a recap of my finer achievements this semester:
  • When discussing my IQ examinees to the class, I referred to them as "testees." Nice. My professor loved that one.
  • I'm currently vying for Best Actress in a Simulated Therapy Session as I managed to squeak out real tears playing a woman who had recently lost her husband to suicide (no Visine for this chick). I got a round of applause for my talents. Also on the ballot is Stephanie who rocked a girl with dissociative disorder.
  • I found a new favorite aerobic exercise: Cardio Strip. Relax. It's like Zumba, but closer (offered on campus) and it's named as such to appeal to, well, the whorish college girls. But it's a great workout and they play great music.
  • I got Direct TV. Holla.
  • I saw Twilight 3 times and fell irrevocably in love with the undead. If you aren't in love with the undead, you have not seen Twilight.
That about wraps it up, kids. 16 weeks, gone in a flash and yet the longest 16 weeks of my life, all at that same time. Hey, if I thought those went fast, wait until the 3 week break....

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Attack of the Killer Potato

Now, I have been known to eat most any kind of potato in most anything. But I don't believe I'd touch this particular potato with a 39.5 foot pole. It just looks like it should have teeth or something.

Dang that's a big potato

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

I'm not dead!

Just in case you were wondering...

I don't want to go on the pile!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

And apparently welfare to everyone too. But really, I'd rather have the rocket boots - they won't send inflation soaring.

Dem leaders want Bush to help ailing automakers

Have I ever mentioned a guy named Ron Paul that would guffaw at the idea of corporate welfare? This madness has to STOP. Welfare is nowhere in the Constitution.

To quote Michael Jackson (as I sometimes do): "If you can't feed your baby, then don't have a baby. And don't think maybe if you can't feed your baby."

Immediate gratification has been a HUGE detriment to our society and its pervasive. Just look at the economy to gauge whether that is true. When did we think you could remove consequence from action? That's just Newton's Law.

Buckle your seat belts and enjoy the warp into socialism. Oh but hey, we'll have "free" healthcare. Hooray!

Rocket boots for everyone!!

Plausible Sci-Fi Films

I'm thankful for Yahoo not including in that short list any sort of zombie movie. Zombies realllllly make me uneasy.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Wow, McCain's getting spanked.

Maybe next time the (R) should pick someone decent to run. Just saying...

Monday, November 3, 2008

Got a little King Leonidas in ya?

Let me give Cheralyn her due. She was no doubt the hit of the party. It wasn't completely our faults that we didn't know there was a sign up deadline for the contest that we blew right past. Hey, it's the Breakfast Club. They're cranking great 80s all night - you can't stop and sign up for some contest. You have to shake your groove thang. In case you are the person that didn't see "300," she's a Spartan Warrior. Someone even stopped her and said, "Hey - battle of Thermopylae."

Doubt he attended CMS.

But seriously, new Halloween tradition will be attending the Breakfast Club's Halloween party. It was a BLAST, despite them playing NKOTB!

As for me, I was going for piratey wench and ended up looking like a pirate biker chick. Oh well. It played.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

You want to suck my blood? Oh, alright.

Thanks, Vania.

I used to be able to concentrate on my school crap. Now all I think about is this face. I vow to have this book read by the end of this weekend. November 21st!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

This is way beyond Thorndike.

Smart kittie!

Happy Halloweenie!

Just you wait until I get the picture scanned of Cheralyn and I at the costume party we went to. Hilarious.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Monday, October 20, 2008

Hell is frozen.

.... Gotta say I'm with McCain on this one (I know).

I respect Sarah Palin as a woman; she's got a lot of fight in her. Any woman politician does and I admire that. However, a few weeks in and I'm just like, SHUT UP! I just wish out of the two diametrically opposed women that have graced the headlines of this election, I would actually like one in a political sense.

Palin Breaks with McCain on Gay Marriage

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Dear Lord, why would you eat this????

I really just don't have anything to say about the following recipe.


* 1 can Spam, cubed
* 16 oz. Velveeta, cubed
* 1 can Cream of Mushroom Soup
* 1 can Cream of Celery Soup
* 2 cans milk
* 16 oz. frozen mixed veggies
* 3 cups minute rice
* 2 Tbsp. Soy sauce
* Crushed potato chips
* Cooking spray

Friday, October 17, 2008


I'm busier lately than I ever thought humanly possible. But I wanted to take a minute to thank everyone that so graciously and lovingly tries to support me in every way possible (Mom especially).

I don't think that if I had gotten into what I got into, without an emotional connection to it, that I'd be able to keep going. I know that sounds a little too sappy to be coming from my mouth (fingers) but it's true. I've never known anything in life to be as hard as what I'm going through right now.

So if I'm short or distant or just plain absent in your life, please don't take it in anyway other than it's what has to be right now. A program that has a 95% rejection rate is going to be tough - accept it or leave. And it's going to take a while - accept it or leave. So on a weekly basis, I tell myself to accept it - don't leave. A large part of what keeps me going is knowing the absolute foundation of friends and family that I know are backing me all the way.

I love you all more than I ever tell you.


Found some old haikus that I wrote from a while back, thought I would share. I think poetry is lame, but a good haiku says it all and succinctly to boot (no one likes your book of poetry, sorry).

On Sophie:

Adorable curls

Sophia the Beautiful

Face of an angel

On Jasmine (the dog that I adopted but fell in love with my parents' house and weenie dog so now she lives there):

Furry and cuddly

My dog with the tiny face

Life is her buffet

The following are some I wrote in honor of Vania's cat, Pud. I wrote the following through his eyes. If you've never met Pud, then these will be lost on you:

On Sophie:

White perilous foe

A worthy adversary

Death has chubby legs

Once a peaceful life

Then came hairless stray. Now,

perpetual fright

On Owners:

Nuggets on my back.

The owners ignore. Oh well,

time to puke again

Milk caps, ink pens, Friend

What more could a cat want? YAY!

A game of Fingers.

On Life:

Stately I parade

Gracing people with a glimpse

Now, look at my butt

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

A nefarious government plot.

Bailout becomes buy-in as feds move into banking

"Big banks started falling in line Tuesday behind a rejiggered bailout plan that will have the government forking over as much as $250 billion in exchange for partial ownership..."

If you're not disturbed by this, you're NOT paying attention. Socialization of BANKS. Where's the Tylenol?

The World's Shortest Fairy Tale.

Once upon a time, a guy asked a girl, "Will you marry me?" The girl said, "NO!" And the girl lived happily ever after and had intelligent conversations with her friends instead of having to feign interest in ice fishing and car engines, spent money on lavish, spectacular vacations and none on shotgun shells or fishing bait, got to go home and read after a movie date instead of having to listen to some half-educated ape give his malformed opinion on the plot, had nights of dancing and cocktail parties with nobody to apologize to because there was only cheese and crackers for supper.

The End

Sunday, October 12, 2008

We got stoned.

Yesterday Sarah and I went to Zen Massage for a hot stone massage treatment. It was the most tranquil thing I've ever experienced. I've had many Swedish and deep tissue massages in my day (well I wouldn't equate deep tissue massage with relaxation... it's actually slightly torturous, but in a good way) but nothing, NOTHING has ever put me in a state like this did.

My mind was blank, my body was jello and I couldn't help but keep falling asleep.

So men... you want some SERIOUS brownie points??? Give your lady a gift certificate for a hot stone. When she recovers from her comatose state, she'll thank you!

Sunday, October 5, 2008


Let me highlight some quotes from this news video.

"She thought he was kinda cute..."

"You know he's gonna come back because they dig holes ... he must be making room for his friends."

"I'm scared to death to sit on my toilet."

Rat Crawls Up Through Woman's Toilet

Direct TV = Sensory Overload.

On Christmas Day, my niece withstands many sessions of gift opening which culminate at my Grandma's house where she reaches critical mass. Too many gifts, too much excitement, can't handle it.

That's how Direct TV is making me feel. Too many channels, too many choices, can't handle it. Had to turn it off!! Ack.

An interesting observation.

The DSM-IV defines sex as: "a person's biological status as male, female or uncertain."

Uncertain... betcha most people aren't aware that's possible but I learned in one of my biology classes that it's much more common than you think. What implications does this have for our assumptions about gender roles, determinations, sexuality, etc...


Saturday, October 4, 2008

If only for the flair, you need to join Facebook.

My loving and supportive big sister sent me this one.

Sigh. It's true. Truly I have the dumb.

Monday, September 29, 2008

A congressional bake sale?

Well where else would 700 billion dollars come from? 7,000,000,000. <--- that is a lot of freaking money. That'd be a LOT of Saturday morning carwashes, Senators and Congressmen. Wait.. you wanted the taxpayers to foot it? Oh, you!!!

What did Dr. Paul have to say about the rejection of the Bailout? Holla! (perhaps a little more dignified than that in his wise words...)

Audit the Federal Reserve Bill??? Oooooh Bernake will like him less than he does now.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

This calls for champagne.

Someone good at math, please let the rest of us know why this is significant????

13-million Digit Prime Number Discovered By Scientists

Friday, September 26, 2008

Fractured thoughts.

  • I need more Bruce Hornsby and the Range in my life.
  • I think manna tasted like honey mustard.
  • Last night I discovered that singing Mariah-Carey-style-at-the-top-of-your-lungs in the shower must result in hyperpoxia because MAN I was awake and could think clearly after that. DESPITE the fact that it was midnight and for the 5th night in a row I was going late on 5 or less hours of sleep. See, these sentences make very little sense. I bet if I sang "Vision of Love" like I did last night, I could think clearly again... but I won't scare these kids out of lab. My conclusion:

"Don't worry that it's not good enough for anyone else to hear.

Just sing, sing a song."

I love the smell of being right in the morning.

Go here, and take this poll (scroll down to lower left):

Who do you think will come out of this economic crisis looking smartest?

Ben Bernanke, the Federal Reserve chairman
Henry Paulson, the Secretary of the Treasury
Warren Buffett, head of Berkshire Hathaway
Ron Paul, Texas Congressman and presidential candidate
Bill Gross, PIMCO chief investment officer

... do I need to tell you who is walloping in that poll????


Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The best of Sophie.

A compilation I made of my favorite girl. My personal favorite is when the pizza and fork sing a song together. Love that kid.

Aw, he finally left the closet.

Way to go, Clay. You know, after everyone already figured it out...

Clay Aiken: Yes I'm Gay.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Clearly the GOP has known this for quite some time.

"I'm fightin' the axis of evil, ya'll" (imagine Bush's voice. Actually, imagine Frank Caliendo doing Bush's voice - that's funnier!)

Conservatives Scare More Easily Than Liberals

And no, I'm not a liberal. I just like to stand on the sidelines and make fun of the rest of you.

Here's some Frank Caliendo for your Monday.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Not a prophet, just a man who "gets it."

Ron Paul: This Bailout Won't Be the Last

"What we've been doing now—especially since 1971—is preventing the real liquidation of the malinvestment and the excess of debt . . . If this process continues, we're going to own General Motors and Ford, then we will have to own the airlines. We are socializing our country without even a vote by the Congress. It's a horrible situation."

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Have you ever seen "Thank You for Smoking?"

If not, it's worth a slot in your Netflix queue. It's a black comedy about the tobacco industry and their puppetmastery. Aaron Eckhart is funny and Katie Holmes isn't as forgettable as she normally is.

Anyway, I was telling Vania yesterday about those new "HFCS is your friend!" ads and found one on You Tube. Notice at the end of the commercial from whence the information can be found. Corn. Well that carries no bias.

"No artificial ingredients." Cause corn comes out of the ground like that.. with a half-dozen added enzymes to make it turn to sugar. These days unless you specifically add turpentine to a food, it's "all natural." As in, "it came from the earth." Dance, little puppet consumers, dance!

Hey, if you're really bored go to and read the FACTory section. Heavens to Murgatroid.

It's like naming God as your hero

Citing the Bible as your favorite book

Read this post, so funny.

Are you keeping track - that's 2 posts today and it's only 2pm. Oh yeah.. Avoidance, USA. Population: me.


Friday, September 19, 2008

Senate Bill 1738

Those of you who are of a sensitive nature (Vania, Lisa specifically), don't read the details. Suffice it to say Oprah did a very thorough episode regarding pedophilia and child predation. Please visit this link, read about the Bill and contact your Senators. Protect Our Children Act

Here's the episode link.

Or, just cut and paste the following template into a Word document, sign your name and mail it off.

Dear Senator:I know that you believe, like I do, that we must do everything possible to protect children from sexual predators. That is why I am asking for your help.Last year alone, U.S. law enforcement identified over 300,000 criminals who were trafficking in movies and pictures of young children being raped and tortured. Experts say that one in every three of these criminals has local child victims. Child pornography trafficking over the Internet has given us a trail of evidence that leads straight to their doorsteps, but the vast majority of these children will never be rescued because investigators are overwhelmed, outnumbered and underfunded.As your constituent, I urge you to do everything in your power to pass the PROTECT Our Children Act (S. 1738, Biden-Hatch). This bipartisan legislation passed the House 415-2, but it is now the victim of petty partisan politics.Now that we know where these children are and how to protect them, there is no excuse for the Senate to fail to take action this session.

(Your name here)

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Valium, please.

I'm administering my first IQ test in a few minutes. ACK!!!! You should see the sheer speed in which my knee is bouncing up and down sitting here. Startling.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


I'm so tired.

That's all.

**But I'm making Incredie Spaghetti and I'm now rejuvenated. It's the bomb like Tick-Tick.

Sunday, September 14, 2008


Have to tell you what a good friend Lisa is. I was sick as poo last weekend and she not only brought me a week's supply of "Double Noodle" soup but went to 4 different... uh, generic "one stop shopping" stores... searching for the Pringles I had told her about.

Lisa, if you were a man, we'd be married with 14 dogs. Love you girl!

"Quiz Bowl"

As promised....

"Tiny gremlins!"

Home Schoolers Are Weird!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

A reminder for Megan.

This post shall serve as a reminder for me to find the clips from tonight's SNL with the delicious and nutritious Michael Phelps so that you all may see the skit they did about home schoolers.

I was crying; best skit in a long time. I guess it's funniest if you've been a home schooler and witnessed the sheer absurdity that some parents teach their children. I could tell you some stories... yee haw. Suffice it to say... the skit hits it dead on!

Friday, September 12, 2008

The self-fulfilling prophecy of morons.

Remember in "Men in Black" when Tommy Lee Jones said, "A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky dangerous animals and you know it."

This is no more elegantly evidenced by what happens when a hurricane puts the Gulf in its path. "People" think hey - what if we run out of gas for a while... better go FILL UP RIGHT NOW AND USE UP THE AVAILABLE GAS SUPPLY.

You know those big trucks you see with the silver cylinder? Well they carry gas to gas stations on a schedule. And if they're not scheduled to come back until Monday... and you've bought all the gas in a panic... congratulations. You have made the gas supply run out.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

I didn't forget, I'm just late.

Took this at the Ground Zero site in 2006 with Mom.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Oh, snap.

Paul says he turned down appeal to endorse McCain

They don't call him Dr. No for his acquiescent style...

McCain = FAIL!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Of this you can be sure.

If I post three times in one day, I'm avoiding something. In this case, I'm avoiding 7 chapters, 3 research articles and going over the stuff in my WAIS-III kit (for my first test admin)... and that's just for one class and that is actually kind of a light week. Tomorrow I'll figure out how to avoid reading the 12 research articles I have due for Behavior Disorders.

Irony: responding to learning about Behavior Disorders... with a behavior disorder. Well avoidant behavior itself isn't a disorder.. but it's not productive either. Either way, it sure as sunshine won't breeze me through school.

But speaking of ADD... enjoy the following video.


Johnson's Mom of the Olympic Games



It's the favorite time of September - the Yiasou Greek Festival! Chris, Vania, Mom and I went for the food... Sophie for the rides. At least she had fun!

Thursday, September 4, 2008


How Would Jesus Drive?

Alright, all of you hypocritical, phony Jesus-fish touting, maniacally-driving Tartuffes out there...

I got a few words for you. If you are so brash to brandish a (cliche) "symbol of God's love" on your vehicle, it would behoove you NOT to:

1. Cut other drivers off
2. Flip them the bird
3. Weave in and out of traffic at 80 miles an hour while on your cell phone
4. Drive so close to my bumper that I can see your pores in my rear view mirror

HWJD? Let me guess:

1. Jesus would wave after waiting patiently for you to let him in! He would acknowledge your courteous gesture! And perhaps put a blessing upon you!
2. Jesus would not ride the lane that is running out, just so he could swerve in front of a semi at the last possible open 5 inches of lane.
3. Jesus would not park his car in a busy parking lot diagonally as to avoid a scratch, taking up two parking spaces in the process.

(No Lisa, this post wasn't meant as a dig for you. I know you avoid driving the Jesus-Mobile for this very reason.)

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


.... I can't even explain. Just visit the link and read about the Bone Booth.

Vending machine 2, Megan 1!!!!!

This time it was for a Dew. Maybe that's what swung things in my favor.

Had $1.25 in quarters this time, put 4 in but kept spitting the 5th one back at me. So I pressed the buttons and sure enough it read, "Sold Out." Okay. So I hit the refund button and out came 3 quarters.

"NOOOoooooooooo!!!!" I exclaimed, determined to avoid another Friday incident. So I feverishly hit the refund button and swept around the change return opening with my finger... until it loosened up not just one, but two quarters.

Net gain: $.25. Take THAT, Vending machine!!

Behold the power of Dew.

In case you're NOT keeping score as religiously as I am...
Vending machine $.25
Megan $-.25 (up from $-.50)

Just you wait, Vending machine. We've got a looong road to travel together and I will reclaim what's mine!!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Well, what else is there to do in Alaska?

It's dark for 6 months! Is this not the most perfectly horrific time for something like that to happen? Wonder if the McCain camp knew about this beforehand... yikes. Glad I'm not invested in that Republican vote... (not that I'm invested in the the D one either...).

Sarah Palin's 17 Year Old Daughter is Pregnant

Quote of the day.

"Empowerment is not a scarce resource which gets used up."

~Julian Rappaport

Sunday, August 31, 2008

I'm going to make this pencil disappear.

Dark Knight Swings Past $500 Million Mark

Please, please knock "Titanic" off the top...

Woohoo My 100th Post!

OK I had to bail on embedding that video because it was taking up half my blog. So here are some hilarious links to videos on The Please do enjoy.

Potrayal of Obama as an Elitist...

Latest Poll Reveals 430 New Demographics That Will Decide Election

Bush Tours America to Survey Damage Caused by His Presidency

And while you're there, take some time to peruse their store. Their t-shirts should win awards.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

A "flu shot" that I might actually get.

While still in testing phases, good news for an influenza vaccine. Can I get a woot? You better believe I'll get one of these when available, even though I think the annual flu shot is a load.

Researchers Test New Vaccine to Fight Multiple Influenza Strains

I also just saw a commercial for a vaccine for bacterial meningitis which I hadn't heard of before (Menactra? I think). Parents of kids, I'd ask your doc about this one ASAP. Bacterial meningitis is aggressive, nasty and unbelievably quick. As in, by the time you get a diagnosis, it's almost too late to do anything about it. Not deadly all the time, but nasty life-long complications.

I'm on Science Daily reading about the different vaccines in R&D right now. Here are a few of my faves:
Traveler's Diarrhea Vaccine (Mexico, here I come!)
Koala Chlamydia (those promiscuous tree-dwellers!)
Footrot Vaccine for Sheep!

I'm sure sheep and koalas find nothing funny about that!

Friday, August 29, 2008

Vending machine 2, Megan 0.

I just wanted a bottle of water. But by Fridays, there is nothing left in the vending machines except your off-drinks like OrangeAde. What is that??

Put $1.25 in the Coke machine, no Dasani. It paid me back in dimes. Sigh. Put $1.25 in the Pepsi machine for an Aquafina. No water, and it only refunded me $1.00.

Net loss = $.25.

Walk downstairs to the other Coke machine, put in $1.25. No Dasani. It refunded me $1.00.

Net loss = $.50.

Finally found a Coke machine that had a Dasani left, got my water (for $1.25).

Net cost of 20 fl. oz of bottled (*rip-off*) water = $1.75.

Now you know why college students are poor.

What's for dinner? Trader Joe's.

Last night I had the cheese enchiladas from T Joe's (found in the frozen section). Delish!!! A pure festival for the taste buds. I highly recommend them. And if you burn them a little, even better!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Week one, day three.

I still love grad school. What an engaging, enlightening and one-of-a-kind experience. But holy crap I'm tired. When Dr. Calhoun said to me: "You're going to be enveloped by this program for the next 2 years of your life," he wasn't exaggerating in the slightest. If I don't put in at least 2-3 hours a night (and I'm guessing most of my Saturdays), I'll fall significantly behind. That's no joke. I had to go out and buy myself 5 folders - one for every weeknight - to keep my assignments straight.

They definitely give it to you honestly the first week - no holding your hand. But they're all so great to help and understand too. They are completely invested in seeing you succeed and that alone makes it a world apart from anything else I've ever done. I highly recommend it to anyone that is interested.

I'm going to steal this quote that my friend Rachel said to me recently:
"Like the Beastie Boys said - 'Until you're up against a wall, you never know yourself at all.'"

And hey, I have to administer IQ tests this semester and need a subject pool. Hit me up if you're interested...

Monday, August 25, 2008


One day into grad school, and I love it. Granted, I only had one class today, but all my classes are round table discussion format and no more than about 6 people. It's such a different experience than undergrad in that the professors are just leveling with you like a colleague. That's kind of the point; you are now being taken seriously as a professional in training.

For instance, in my Intellectual Assessment class we are required to administer 4 IQ tests throughout the semester. Whoa, what? That's stuff "real" people do!!

Suffice it to say, I think I was born for this! And regardless of the fact that I'll probably be tied up for 4 hours tonight reading journal articles, a good time shall still be had!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Wow, really?

How much you wanna bet that somewhere in the ad, there is a dig about Obama being an over spender. And... they spent almost 3mil on the ad... cause... what? Yeah. *Sigh*

Group to Spend $2.8 million on anti-Obama Ad

Men's Synchronized Swimming

Martin Short + Christopher Guest + Harry Shearer = A good laugh.

Christopher Guest plays SUCH a funny gay guy.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

A disclaimer.

School starts back on Monday. I'm telling you this because I got my class schedule and teaching assignment today and on top of still working at Grey Seal... I will probably fall off the face of the Earth for a while. Please don't take it personally; you'll be with me in spirit.

But as Meg Ryan said in French Kiss: "I will triumph!!"

World's Smallest Political Quiz

I heard a statistic somewhere that on blind polls, most Americans answer questions regarding governmental roles that would posit them as a Libertarian. Somehow, though, when it comes to choosing a political candidate, they forget what they believe and become a drone. So what are you? Take this quick quiz to find out. I scored 100% Libertarian, which was a stunning outcome.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

And to think I gave her props for "keeping it real"

All supportive remarks to JLH are henceforth rescinded. I was really impressed with how she handled those pictures of her in the bikini that surfaced, but I'm really disappointed in this - actions speak louder than words. At least we still have Tyra...

Jennifer Love Hewitt Reveals New Thinner Body Us Magazine

In November, Jennifer Love Hewitt was criticized for weight gain after photos surfaced of her looking fuller-figured in a bikini in Hawaii.

"We know what you ate this summer, Love -- everything!" notoriously wrote.

Now, the Ghost Whisperer star has the last laugh.

In the new issue of Us Weekly, on newsstands now, the 32-year-old shows off the new body she got after just 10 weeks and her trainer reveals to Us exclusively how she lost 18 pounds.

"I am in a pretty good workout regimen that I like, so it inspired me to keep it up," Hewitt tells Us. "The energy level and the way I feel now is great."

"With her, it's not, 'I want to look good in that dress,'" trainer Stevie Sant'Angelo tells Us. "She wanted to start moving around because she thought it would make her feel better.

"She told me, 'They said some rude, mean things, but that's not why I wanted to change,'" Sant'Angelo says.

Check out the latest issue of Us Weekly, on newsstands now, for Hewitt's complete workout routine and diet plan plus what inspired her to change her ways and an update on her upcoming wedding to Ross McCall.

A deafening moment of clarity.

... I'll be 31 when the final "Harry Potter" movie premieres.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Check me out... I'm at the very, very end.

Frankie Says Relax!

A new one from Dove

Please take a minute and visit this page for the new Dove video called "Under Pressure." It's short and to the point, but it brought tears to my eyes. Now I'm looking into having one of these workshops. I'll keep you posted.

Yay, I'm going back to school!!!

Megan has the morning off... and blogs.

I have this dog now. She's a "rescue" so to speak - rescued from being tied to a tree at my friend's abandoned house. I'm trying to find her a home and have been for a while. She's a sweet dog, but the years of neglect have made an impact (that I'm trying to reverse).

But anyway (I'm having a Carrie Bradshaw moment), it got me thinking as I was surfing the net, looking for adoption agencies: What is the line that separates a human's right to live from any other animal's? I read that 85% of puppies that get surrendered to adoption agencies and/or pounds end up euthanized. That's a lot of dead puppies.

But why is that the end result? When people do that to other people, we call it genocide and it usually results in some sort of warfare.

So dogs and people. Cats and people. Obvious differences. But where is the line between anthropomorphism and disregarding that animal's right to an existence? I know the Christian perspective would be that human souls are divine in nature, but I struggle with this one a little. There are many humans I can bring to mind this minute that I truly don't think ever had a right to live and honestly, I don't think every human life is precious. I don't really feel that way about any animal I can think of. Animals usually do harmful things to people because of human error. But humans also do harmful things to other humans and animals... because of human error.

But alas, it's the animals that suffer.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Your hair isn't all that great.

I'm a two-bit, worthless, sack-o-crap, lowlife scumbag!!

And now, a heartwarming story from Neal Boortz...

Sharing: A lesson on human nature. I was talking to a friend of mine's little girl the other day. I asked her what she wanted to be when she grew up and she replied, "I want to be President!" Both of her parents are liberal Democrats and were standing there. So then I asked her, "If you were President what would be the first thing you would do?"

She replied, "I'd give houses to all the homeless people."

"Wow - what a worthy goal." I told her, "You don't have to wait until you're President to do that. You can come over to my house and mow, pull weeds, and sweep my yard, and I'll pay you $50. Then I'll take you over to the grocery store where this homeless guy hangs out, and you can give him the $50 to use toward a new house."

Since she is only 6, she thought that over for a few seconds. While her Mom glared at me, she looked me straight in the eye and asked, "Why doesn't the homeless guy come over and do the work, and you can just pay him the $50?"

And I said, "Welcome to the Republican Party."

Her folks still aren't talking to me.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Professor Pausch Dies

If you didn't catch his "Last Lecture" on YouTube or somewhere else, take a minute to watch it as soon as possible. He found out that he had aggressive pancreatic cancer and instead of mourning his death, he chose to spend as much time as possible celebrating his life with his family. A true inspiration.

Prof whose 'last lecture' became a sensation dies

By RAMIT PLUSHNICK-MASTI, Associated Press Writer 1 hour, 55 minutes ago

PITTSBURGH - Randy Pausch, the Carnegie Mellon University computer scientist whose "last lecture" about facing terminal cancer became an Internet sensation and a best-selling book, died Friday. He was 47.

Pausch died at his home in Chesapeake, Va., said Jeffrey Zaslow, a Wall Street Journal writer who co-wrote Pausch's book. Pausch and his family had moved there last fall to be closer to his wife's relatives.

Pausch was diagnosed with incurable pancreatic cancer in September 2006. His popular last lecture at Carnegie Mellon in September 2007 garnered international attention and was viewed by millions on the Internet.

In it, Pausch celebrated living the life he had always dreamed of instead of concentrating on impending death.

"The lecture was for my kids, but if others are finding value in it, that is wonderful," Pausch wrote on his Web site. "But rest assured; I'm hardly unique."

The book "The Last Lecture" leaped to the top of the nonfiction best-seller lists after its publication in April and remains there this week. The book deal was reported to be worth more than $6 million.

Pausch said he dictated the book to Zaslow by cell phone, and Zaslow recalled Friday that he was "strong and funny" during their collaboration.

"It was the most fun 53 days of my life because it was like a performance," Zaslow told The Associated Press. "It was like getting 53 extra lectures." He recalled that Pausch became emotional when they worked on the last chapter, though, because that to him was the "end of the lecture, the book, his life."

At Carnegie Mellon, Pausch was a professor of computer science, human-computer interaction and design, and was recognized as a pioneer of virtual reality research. On campus, he became known for his flamboyance and showmanship as a teacher and mentor.

The speech last fall was part of a series Carnegie Mellon called "The Last Lecture," where professors were asked to think about what matters to them most and give a hypothetical final talk. The name of the lecture series was changed to "Journeys" before Pausch spoke, something he joked about in his lecture.

"I thought, damn, I finally nailed the venue and they renamed it," he said.

He told the packed auditorium he fulfilled almost all his childhood dreams — being in zero gravity, writing an article in the World Book Encyclopedia and working with the Walt Disney Co.

The one that eluded him? Playing in the National Football League.

"If I don't seem as depressed or morose as I should be, sorry to disappoint you," Pausch said.

He then joked about his quirky hobby of winning stuffed animals at amusement parks — another of his childhood dreams — and how his mother introduced him to people to keep him humble: "This is my son. He's a doctor, but not the kind that helps people."

Pausch said he was embarrassed and flattered by the popularity of his message. Millions viewed the complete or abridged version of the lecture, titled "Really Achieving Your Childhood Dreams," online.

"I don't know how to not have fun," he said in the lecture. "I'm dying and I'm having fun. And I'm going to keep having fun every day I have left. Because there's no other way to play it."

Pausch lobbied Congress for more federal funding for pancreatic cancer research and appeared on "Oprah" and other TV shows. In what he called "a truly magical experience," he was even invited to appear as an extra in the upcoming "Star Trek" movie.

He had one line of dialogue, got to keep his costume and donated his $217.06 paycheck to charity.

Pausch blogged regularly about his medical treatment. On Feb. 15, exactly six months after he was told he had three to six months of healthy living left, Pausch posted a photo of himself to show he was "still alive & healthy."

In May, Pausch spoke at Carnegie Mellon's commencement ceremonies, telling graduates that what mattered was he could look back and say, "pretty much any time I got a chance to do something cool, I tried to grab for it, and that's where my solace comes from."

"We don't beat the reaper by living longer, we beat the reaper by living well and living fully," he said.

Born in 1960, Pausch received his bachelor's degree in computer science from Brown University and his Ph.D. from Carnegie Mellon.

He co-founded Carnegie Mellon's Entertainment Technology Center, a master's program for bringing artists and engineers together. The university named a footbridge in his honor. He also created an animation-based teaching program for high school and college students to have fun while learning computer programming.

In February, the Academy of Interactive Arts & Sciences in California announced the creation of the Dr. Randy Pausch Scholarship Fund for university students who pursue careers in game design, development and production.

He is survived by his wife, Jai, and their three children, Dylan, Logan and Chloe; his mother, Virginia Pausch of Columbia, Md.; and a sister, Tamara Mason of Lynchburg, Va.

In a statement Friday, his wife thanked those who sent messages of support and said her husband was proud that his lecture and book "inspired parents to revisit their priorities, particularly their relationships with their children."


Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The evening. from hell.

Let me chronicle my day for all of you. It started off with a few little mishaps, nothing major. I poked myself in the eye right before lunchtime and ended up ejecting my contact into who-knows-where. Those of you who wear contacts know the crazy perception that comes from wearing only one lens - it should not be done for long. So I took out the other lens to even my, albeit blurry, vision out. I don't carry my glasses with me (but will from now on) so I just had no contacts.

(Let me also preface the rest of this post by saying that although I may have a tendency to get irritated easily and be an intolerant person in some regards... when actual, literal tragedy or just plain "suck" cross my path, I'm usually very level headed. I figure - why integrate emotions and make it all worse?)

Finished work, decided that I would take a kickboxing class to make pay penance for all I had eaten today. It was a great class and afterwards I felt calm, relaxed and productive.

Believe it or not, that calm was to last through most of what was to come.

I go into the women's locker room to get my bag and leave. Only... the locker I had used was jammed shut. And I mean, jammed shut. I go to the front desk to tell them I can't open my locker and therefore cannot get my keys and therefore leave. So after about a half an hour, in walks the maintenance lady (who should be feared and respected for she has a crowbar in her office). After a lot of pulling, grunting, snipping, banging and cursing (yes, even at the Y), she pries the locker open.

It's empty.

I feel like a complete tool.

So I go around checking the other lockers, just knowing I'm going to find my bag and look like the world's biggest horse's arse in front of this scary lady that possesses a crowbar.

My bag isn't there. My bag had been taken.

My bag, with nothing in it but my keys, dirty clothes, a beach towel, some shampoo (and here's what hurts) and my MP3 player... gone. I'm literally stuck there. No way to get in my car. No way to get into my apartment.

So I called my mom. She's at church, so I called Dad. Dad came and brought me my spare car key and made sure everything looked alright with my car.

Well my friend Robyn had stayed at my place while we went to the beach in June. She had my spare apartment key, so I called her and told her I would come to where she lives (Indian Trail) to get the key and avoid the $35 fee from having the maintenance guy come out "after hours."

At this point, I'm still calm. I was even kind of laughing about it. Well, chuckling. Let's not get carried away. I was also still full of endorphins from punching and kicking the air with Julianna. Those were quickly wearing off. Factor in also that it was now after 9 pm and I had not eaten since 2 pm.

So I head out to Indian Trail. Granted.. I had no contacts. I knew this but I also know that if I get close enough to a sign, I can read it even without lenses or glasses.


And did I mention this entire time it was pouring down rain, end-of-the-world style?

So I get out there and call Robyn for directions to her house. Myself being a person that possesses an abnormally keen ability for orientation, I didn't worry that it was dark, stormy and I didn't know where I was going.

I mention that the roads look like they are heading towards a flash flood, so she tries to detour me around that. But. I have no contacts in, it's blacker than black nanotubes and I have no idea where I am. I can't read the signs and Robyn.... really doesn't know the place like the back of her hand. So she's about as helpful as I am.

Myself also being an individual that can not stand to quit something that I've worked for, is having a hard time justifying saying "screw it" and turning back for the highway. But I'm close.

Here's where that moment came.

I had ended up BACK on Lawyers (where the detour BEGAN) and I had ended up pulling over to an intersection, getting out of my car in the pouring rain for the 3rd time so I could walk up to the street sign to read it. I read the name of the street to Robyn so she could get a bearing on where the *$%#&@*@*$ I was and she said:

"Emerald Woods? I don't know WHERE you are."


That was Megan's last straw. Low blood sugar, dissipated endorphins, and stuck in.the.middle.of.nowhere.and.I.can't.see.a.bloody.thing. I could no longer deal.

Had I not possessed the level of pride I have, I would have called my mom and, through my desperate sobs, told her to call the Mint Hill police and make them come find me and escort me home. I'm tearing up now just thinking about it (not enough time yet, friends. Not enough time). I was done with a D.

Instead, I pulled myself together, headed down Lawyers determined to either hit 485 again or find a gas station that COULD ACTUALLY TELL ME WHERE I WAS.

With the help and guidance of the Good Lord, I shortly found myself noticing signs and places that were familiar and sure enough, there was the sign for 485. I'll admit it - I cried. It was the only relief I had felt all evening and I had reached my capacity.

So I called my apartment complex and had them come meet me with the key. Granted, it cost me $40 (I let the guy keep the extra $5 - hey. God Bless.) but now I'm at home, I have a house key and a car key. I've had a Mt. Dew and a sandwich. I'm still a little jacked up in a bad way, which is why I'm posting this blog - trying to purge. Digital catharsis.

I'm now going to sit in the bathtub.

To those who stole my bag: what goes around comes around.

Who knew flax seed was tasty?

This cereal is the shiz-nittle bam. Just look at those stats! 8% of your iron in half a cup? Sold!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Your Tuesday Animal News

Pregnant mice? you say. But read on. Gestation can be terminated by something as simple as the smell of a strange male's urine. Of course to us that's simple. But to mice, it's a deal-breaker. This is fascinating!

Pregnant Mice Block Odor Of Strange Male's Urine To Protect Their Pups

ScienceDaily (July 22, 2008) — Mouse mothers-to-be have a remarkable way to protect their unborn pups. Because the smell of a strange male's urine can cause miscarriage and reactivate the ovulatory cycle, pregnant mice prevent the action of such olfactory stimuli by blocking their smell. Researchers from the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) in Monterotondo, Italy, have now revealed the nature of this ability. A surge of the chemical signal dopamine in the main olfactory bulb - one of the key brain areas for olfactory perception -- creates a barrier for male odours, they report in the current issue of Nature Neuroscience.

Read the full article

Sunday, July 20, 2008


Let me get over the rush first before deciding this for sure, but I'm going to say it's a high probability that "Dark Knight" is my favorite movie ever now. It certainly is the best movie I've seen since the LOTR trilogy wrapped up in '03. Well... I did love OOTP and I watch it obsessively. Hmmm. Okay, in the category of movies not involving wizardry... favorite movie.

I really can't get over Heath Ledger. He is grade A nasty in this movie - I found myself holding my breath during his scenes. I just had no idea what to expect next. Christian Bale, of course, does a fine job of balancing the likable, boyish bachelor with the the "here, I'll hand you your butt" vigilante. That Batman roar he does... nice. Please, sir, can I have some more? And what fine, chiseled cheeks you have!

Interesting story, outstanding characters (with the exception of Rachel... eh), fantastic editing, GREAT special effects... I love that Christopher Nolan doesn't do CGI - it makes for an in-your-face-hold-onto-your-butt-enjoy-the-ride movie going experience. Not even the tool next to me that has an insatiable need for attention - any attention mind you- could have dampened that movie for me.

All I can say is, Heath - RIP, buddy. You really poured it out on this one and it makes me sad that you aren't around to reap all the rewards you deserve.

Look at Batman's sweet ride!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

The Saturday Rant.

Who "knows and loves" Jesse Jackson? I'm trying to think of a woman equivalent but I don't think it translates. However, if there were a female contemporary of Jesse Jackson, I think I'd make it my life's work to have her silenced. Don't get me wrong, I think the fact that the "n-word" is still part of our vernacular is unacceptable. I feel the same way about a specific, heinous word that is used to refer to a woman. Just remove it - completely. It's not cute; it's not endearing; it's just derogatory and belittling. Be above it. Otherwise, YOU are part of the problem and YOU need to have a nice cup of shut up, Jesse Jackson.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I just watched a special on HBO about child trafficking in China. Are you ready for a shocking statistic? 70,000 children are snatched off the streets of China EVERY YEAR. Granted, do some math and that is still a small percentage given the overwhelming population.

Some children are snatched to be sold to families to have children if they couldn't have their own (apparently in China, you are somewhat of a pariah if you don't have a child that will be able to take care of you in your later years) and some are snatched to be young, virginal brides for Chinese men. But a larger amount are SOLD BY THEIR PARENTS because they can't afford the maintenance fee imposed by the Chinese government for not adhering to the One Child Policy.

You know my thoughts about people that have children with wild abandon (I believe that making a human life needs to be a conscious decision, not an afterthought), but be thankful that you live in a country that doesn't, yet, tell you how many children you can have and bankrupt you for having more than what a policy says.

Friday, July 18, 2008

This is soooooo funny.

I was watching "Will and Grace" tonight and howled through this whole first scene. Karen's reaction when Jack tells her about Frasier and Friends - absolutely hilarious. What did we do before the days of You Tube?

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Kids are dumb.

Here's a little summary of my experiences this week at camp... thus far. We ain't done yet! Magnetic Megan may end up with something of a substance abuse problem if the rest of my camps continue in this fashion.
  • Tuesday one of my campers drank a raw egg. We had made "egg helmets" as part of our "Science of Sport" day and upon his egg breaking, he just couldn't resist quaffing down a big gulp of raw chicken ovum. His mom's reaction upon hearing of this: "Well that doesn't sound like Matthew." I don't know... between meeting him for the first time on Monday morning and Tuesday at noon, I thought it sounded exactly like something the little twit would do and that was just around 27 hours of exposure.
  • Yesterday the same child punched another camper in the nose and kicked him in the back. Why? Cause he was bored. He left early. He was not back today. Here's to hoping he's not there tomorrow either. Frankly, I have 12 children by myself and life is much easier without him there to create unnecessary conflict.
  • Today one of my girl campers (who, by and large, possess substantially more logic than their male counterparts) drank powdered dye. What is this drinking-weird-things phenomenon? Is it the child version of pica? Here's the best part: when I looked at her mouth and saw that her tongue, teeth and cheeks were HOT PINK from the dye and inquired how they got that way, she told me "It blew up into my face." Yeah, you gotta watch that spontaneously exploding dye - it's a little-known killer. Later I discovered she had then used it to paint eye shadow on her eyes. Sigh. I guess I shouldn't judge and mock. I was, after all, the kid who cut my own bangs off so I could look like Ariel, the Little Mermaid. Turns out I didn't at all, and the hair that grew back in stuck straight out of my forehead for a good while.
  • I also have a kid that recently (as in last week) moved back to the States from Switzerland. He intermittently speaks German and tries to engage people in discussions about God.
Why me?

** Update! On my last day of camp, the mother of the girl told me that the previous day, when she ate the tie dye, the girl had started to cry a little after her mom called her out on eating the dye..... she cried pink tears. HOW AWESOME IS THAT? That made the whole week worthwhile! That and one of my other girls brought me fresh picked flowers on Friday.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Not all soul mates are meant for romance.

... But I believe Neal Boortz and I are kindred spirits.

I picked up his book: "Somebody's Gotta Say It" on the way here. It is fabulous. I got familiar with him while reading, "Fairtax: The Truth" so when I saw his name in big bold letters on this book, I thought to myself, "Well this can't be a waste of money."

Indeed, it was not. Anti-leftist, anti-rightist, anti-stupid, anti-lazy, anti-entitled, anti-misinformed, anti-big-government... I LOVE HIM! He cares not who is offended by the truth he speaks and has no qualms about giving his opinion on exactly how this country got as screwed up as it is.

And his piece about the "right to vote" and who shouldn't be allowed to vote: poetry.

OK, more about him later. My plane just (finally) started boarding.

*Thanks to Lisa for providing a website:

** Check him out, you won't be disappointed. Well, unless you're a liberal or a conservative. In the case, YOU ESPECIALLY need to listen to what he has to say!!!!

***I'm now home from Buffalo after 9+ hours in airports and airplanes. I could have freaking driven back! Dang-blasted storms.

Waiting on a plane

Stuck at the airport, t-storms have caused delays. I feel a haiku coming on...

Sky-cap is beeping
Children screaming; Tylenol
PM: safe for all.

Friday, July 4, 2008

R.I.P. Bozo et. al.

I used to loooooove to watch Bozo the Clown especially for the Grand Prize Game. You know you watched it too! I remember sending in postcards in hopes to be the at-home player. Never got it. Sigh. But throwing ping pong balls into methodically placed buckets to win prizes leading UP TO A SCHWINN bicycle?! What more could any kid ask for. I guess that explains my inexorable love for SkeeBall. When I finish my master's, I may just reward myself with a SkeeBall machine. This week has been a big loss - George Carlin, Bozo, and today Jesse Helms. Although I much prefer the comedian and the clown to the politician. But RIP all. I hope you're playing SkeeBall in Heaven.

I'm sitting at the Detroit airport waiting on my flight to Buffalo to visit Cherie, Doug and Alyssa. I'm geeked about the fireworks tomorrow night; they are sensational. And the food in Buffalo is a close second. There might be triple Zumba's next week. We're also going to visit Belhurst, an old castle near the Fingerlakes. It looks like a gorgeous area. Lancaster, where they live, is a really chill place. I'm looking forward to a very low-paced long weekend. And did I mention the food?... WEGMANS!

Let me just say that here at the Detroit airport, there are several young strapping pilots without rings on their left hands that I think are in need of having a conversation with me, they just don't know it yet...

Whoopsy, it's almost time to board. Gotta go. Maybe my pilot will be young and strapping??? :-)))

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Happy Birthday Sophie!

Today Sophie is a big fours years old! Happy birthday sweet girl!!

Thursday, June 19, 2008


I BOUGHT MYSELF A SINGING HAMPSTER DANCE CARD!!!! Why am I "caps"ing you deaf? Because Hampster Dance is one of my favorites!! I found it this afternoon and I've been giggling ever since. Glorious day!

Great quote.

Betty Friedan:

It is easier to live through someone else than to become complete yourself.

The Feminine Mystique, 1963

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Here's to 28!

Go Megan, it's your birthday... Go Go Go Go Go!

Monday, June 16, 2008

They say it's your birthday!

Sending out a big Happy Birthday to my BFF Sarah. Please enjoy the following JibJab video I made of us a while back. The guy is Josh Gates, from Sci-Fi's "Destination Truth." Yes, we are complete dorks. My personal favorite part of the video is Sarah in the long black cape. I was jealous that she got to wear that.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Option #3

Instead of voting this November for crap or crappy crap, consider Bob Barr. For any of you that may have been a fan of what Ron Paul stood for, Bob Barr isn't too far off. Here's a helpful chart:

Side by Side Comparison on the Facts

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Tom Cruise is a Twink.

And I don't mean that a gay-slur. He's just a pansy.

I don't love Dr. Drew (you've seen him before I'm sure), but I have to give him his due for laying it out for Tom Cruise.

And yeah, that's the same Tom Cruise that lambasted Matt Lauer because apparently Lord Voltron gave him the omniscience to be an expert in a field of science he never studied. Cause all problems are traced to not taking your vitamins. Is he in cahoots with Centrum?

"Take a guy like Tom Cruise," said Pinsky, who doesn't know Cruise and has never consulted with him. "Why would somebody be drawn into a cultish kind of environment like Scientology? To me, that's a function of a very deep emptiness and suggests serious neglect in childhood -- maybe some abuse, but mostly neglect."

That, unsurprisingly, didn't sit well with the Cruise camp. The "Mission: Impossible" star's lawyer, Bert Fields, ripped Pinsky in a statement, saying, "He seems to be spewing the absurdity that all Scientologists are mentally ill."

Here's the best part!
Fields concludes by saying, "The last time we heard garbage like this was from Joseph Goebbels," Adolf Hitler's propaganda minister.


Poor Tom Cruise, got his little feelings hurt. Now his lawyer is comparing Dr. Drew to a FREAKING NAZI?!

Speaking of Scientology, have you seen the South Park episode about it? If not, watch this clip. It. is. hilarious. Soul catchers in the sky! "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds..."

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Smart Move.

Ron Paul has just announced that he will switch the gears of his campaign, now focusing on the "Campaign for Liberty." No longer will he seek the presidential bid for this year's election but will instead focus on bolstering the races of Republicans grounded in the Constitution (see also: Libertarians) and seeking to restore liberty. He will back candidates like BJ Lawson (who decided to run after being inspired by RP) and promote other candidates seeking offices of all types.

This is not a campaign to be decided in a few months, just to be decided again in a few years.

This is Ron Paul finding a way to be the leader that this country needs, regardless of how a temporary election went.

This is Ron Paul leading a revolution.

You are a smart man, Ron Paul.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Puppies are great.

I could eat this puppy... so cute, can't stand it.

Fearless Puppy

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Pimpin' Prodigal Jon

This guy is on my links, but read this great post about using God as a financial plan.

Megan's World has been brought to you today by the number 46.

** You might need a stiff dose of Ritalin to make it through this post.**

Wow I'm bored. I vowed to do nothing today, and I made good on that promise. With the exception of making a quick jaunt to the local Teeter (I had no bread), the most substantial accomplishment of my day has been getting dressed, and that didn't happen until it was completely necessary. As Mark Twain said: "Naked people have little or no influence on society."

The annual "Megan's Birthday Dinner" will be coming up in 2 weeks and this leaves me to choose the restaurant which is never an easy task for me. I'm always looking for that one restaurant that will provide you with the Ultimate Dining Experience. Red Robin is quite close. They have THE BEST veggie burger ON THE PLANET. Run, don't walk, to Red Robin if you haven't been there yet. Unfortunately I won't get paid for that bit of free promotion. The annual birthday dinner should not be confused with the annual June Celebration of Megan's Birthday - this is only one event in the festivities. Wait until I turn 30 - we'll be celebrating that all of 2010.

ANYWAY, I had a point to this post if only I could shut up and come to it. My mom had told me about this restaurant in Kannapolis that does Mediterranean cuisine (I just almost spelled cuisine as quisine - I spent waaay too much time in the sun this week) and its name is "Forty Six."

So I Googled "Forty Six" to try to find its website and the delightful Wikipedia popped up first, giving me a primer on the history and significance of this "Forty Six" deal.

I know, I know. What's this? 46 is BETWEEN 45 and 47?? Eureka. It gets better.

I've always thought weird number coincidences (or are they?) are cool things. Like on Lost: 4 8 15 16... you know the drill.

46 (forty-six) is the natural number following 45 and preceding 47.

Less mind-numbing facts about 46:
  • The atomic number of palladium.
  • The number of (normal) human chromosomes.
  • In Psalm 46 in the King James Version of the Bible, the 46th word from the beginning is "shake" and the 46th word from the end is "spear"; at the time of publication of the King James Bible, playwright William Shakespeare was 46 years old
  • The number of samurai, out of 47, who carried out the attack in the historical Ako vendetta; sometimes referred to as the 46 Ronins to discount the one samurai forced to turn back
  • Because 46 in Japanese can be pronounced as "yon roku", and "yoroshiku"(よろしく) means "my best regards" in Japanese, people sometimes use 46 for greeting.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

LOST. Haaaay!

Don't read this if you haven't watched the season finale of "LOST" yet.

I don't know what it is about Desmond and Penny that makes me act like such a girl. I was bouncing up and down on the couch and getting weepy when they were reunited tonight. I never act "gay" like that but those two just grab my heart for some reason. And can I just take a moment to say, "Desmond. You are one fine Scot." I am eternally grateful to the writers for not whacking Desmond. I just couldn't have come back from that.

.... But on the other hand. the bad news: Jin.

And Sayid... did you SEE him bring the whoop on Keamy?? A gen-u-wine Iraqi soldier. The guy that plays Keamy is like a juiced-up American version of Ralph Fiennes' breed of bad guy. He's just nasty when he's nasty. Did you see "Smokin Aces?" Nasty.

Overall, I give that episode a 9.8 - near perfection in a season finale. Way to go, boys.

What's that? You'd like a recap of the whoop? My pleasure.