Sunday, November 30, 2008

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

I'm not dead!

Just in case you were wondering...

I don't want to go on the pile!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

And apparently welfare to everyone too. But really, I'd rather have the rocket boots - they won't send inflation soaring.

Dem leaders want Bush to help ailing automakers

Have I ever mentioned a guy named Ron Paul that would guffaw at the idea of corporate welfare? This madness has to STOP. Welfare is nowhere in the Constitution.

To quote Michael Jackson (as I sometimes do): "If you can't feed your baby, then don't have a baby. And don't think maybe if you can't feed your baby."

Immediate gratification has been a HUGE detriment to our society and its pervasive. Just look at the economy to gauge whether that is true. When did we think you could remove consequence from action? That's just Newton's Law.

Buckle your seat belts and enjoy the warp into socialism. Oh but hey, we'll have "free" healthcare. Hooray!

Rocket boots for everyone!!

Plausible Sci-Fi Films

I'm thankful for Yahoo not including in that short list any sort of zombie movie. Zombies realllllly make me uneasy.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Wow, McCain's getting spanked.

Maybe next time the (R) should pick someone decent to run. Just saying...

Monday, November 3, 2008

Got a little King Leonidas in ya?

Let me give Cheralyn her due. She was no doubt the hit of the party. It wasn't completely our faults that we didn't know there was a sign up deadline for the contest that we blew right past. Hey, it's the Breakfast Club. They're cranking great 80s all night - you can't stop and sign up for some contest. You have to shake your groove thang. In case you are the person that didn't see "300," she's a Spartan Warrior. Someone even stopped her and said, "Hey - battle of Thermopylae."

Doubt he attended CMS.

But seriously, new Halloween tradition will be attending the Breakfast Club's Halloween party. It was a BLAST, despite them playing NKOTB!

As for me, I was going for piratey wench and ended up looking like a pirate biker chick. Oh well. It played.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

You want to suck my blood? Oh, alright.

Thanks, Vania.

I used to be able to concentrate on my school crap. Now all I think about is this face. I vow to have this book read by the end of this weekend. November 21st!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

This is way beyond Thorndike.

Smart kittie!

Happy Halloweenie!

Just you wait until I get the picture scanned of Cheralyn and I at the costume party we went to. Hilarious.