Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Week one, day three.

I still love grad school. What an engaging, enlightening and one-of-a-kind experience. But holy crap I'm tired. When Dr. Calhoun said to me: "You're going to be enveloped by this program for the next 2 years of your life," he wasn't exaggerating in the slightest. If I don't put in at least 2-3 hours a night (and I'm guessing most of my Saturdays), I'll fall significantly behind. That's no joke. I had to go out and buy myself 5 folders - one for every weeknight - to keep my assignments straight.

They definitely give it to you honestly the first week - no holding your hand. But they're all so great to help and understand too. They are completely invested in seeing you succeed and that alone makes it a world apart from anything else I've ever done. I highly recommend it to anyone that is interested.

I'm going to steal this quote that my friend Rachel said to me recently:
"Like the Beastie Boys said - 'Until you're up against a wall, you never know yourself at all.'"

And hey, I have to administer IQ tests this semester and need a subject pool. Hit me up if you're interested...


Lisa Rena said...

I'm game-maybe you can prove once and for all, I AM the smartest person in the world.

Goddess of the River said...

I'll be glad to put that on the books so forever it shall not be disputed! Hey, anyone who can figure out how to properly discipline a 4 year old is a genius in my book!