Looks like they're calling for snow in hell today... cause check out what the NY Times printed about Ron Paul yesterday. Granted it is sprinkled with the occasional back-handed compliment (it's the Times...), but overall it pretty much lays it out like it is.
My personal favorite line: "Mr. Paul's voters tend to be younger and angrier than most Republicans." Ha!
I know you're tired of hearing it, but let's once again look at the facts:
- Ron Paul received more campaign donations from military personnel than all the other Republican candidates combined (Hmm, what does that tell us?).
- He's the only candidate that really, truly gets why this country is in the desperate state of debt that it is, and his financial policy would be the only one that could turn it around. He will, listen carefully, get RID of the IRS! Get RID of the Federal Reserve. The end product = you with more money and money with a higher purchasing power.
- He is the only candidate that has consistently voted against bills that make government power larger and increase spending.
- While, as a former obstetrician, he is staunchly opposed to abortion, he doesn't believe the Federal government should have any say in the matter - that should be left to the states to decide (confused? go read the Constitution).
Will I ever shut up about Ron Paul? Nope!
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