Now you'll have The Fresh Prince stuck in your head ALL DAY! You're welcome.
Here are a list of things that will make this summer a great summer:
1. The BEACH week after next!! For those of you who may not have met my family, the beach is Nirvana to us; we return home from the beach and start thinking about the next year. Perhaps this classifies it as an obsession? I'm okay with that. I'm looking forward to seeing Sophie play on the beach - that girl was bitten by the beach bug the first day she laid eyes on it. It'll be great! (Scottish accent)
2. I turn 28 in June. I kinda freaked a little when I turned 27 because I had arrived in my late 20s. Plus I was a little perplexed about what to do with life. I had two college degrees and a heaping pile of confusion as to what to do next. Fast forward to now, I'm starting on my Master's in the Fall and I have a pretty smoothed out idea of what I'll do with it. And I'm stoked about working under this professor that is doing body image research. I think the next two years are going to be one of those punctuated leaps you make as a person, where you're both tested to the max and having the time of your life simultaneously. The net result is experiences that will change and refine you.
Besides, my "Five Year Plan" was Master's degree by 30, so I'm right on track!
Also, my BFF (yeah I used that term) turns 27 the day before me. It's always been cool to celebrate together. This year shall be no exception!
3. Going to visit Cherie in NY on the Fourth. Let me tell you about the fireworks up there. I'm talking, you died, went to Heaven and they all celebrated your arrival with a fireworks display of the Divine. Fantastico!! We're also going to visit
Belhurt Castle near the Finger Lakes. Buffalo is a cool place, and their little town is even cooler. It's kind of like a part of America that got lost under the shoe of big cities. It's got a great feel to it.
4. Sophie is turning 4! Wow, that flew by. Soon I'll riding shotgun while she tries out her learner's permit... I think it's high time my sister had another one. I need a new baby to chew on, although I do applaud them for using sense and reason before bringing another one into the world. So I can wait.
5. No longer will I have to sit at a desk in front of a PC Currently I'm working as office manager for 2 companies. Well I'm ditching one (I'll still be with the puppets) and instead... teaching science summer camps. Woohoo! I love teaching science, but only in an environment like Mad Science where the name of the game is to have a rollicking good time. I could never work for a school system with all their red tape crap. Looking forward to that welcome change of pace!
6. I'll have a tan!!
7. Water aerobics start back up outdoors.
8. "The Happening," "Sex and the City," "The Dark Knight," "Indiana Jones," "X-FILES!!!!!" Finally, the summer movie season got its groove back.
Currently I am doing my "two week dance" because I'm almost done with this job. And as a sheer bonus to this post, please refer to
the greatest story this week.