Monday, March 31, 2008

Paul Giamatti hits it out of the park

Update: Found it!! (Gotta love YouTube)

If you haven't been watching "John Adams" on HBO, you are truly depriving yourself. It's brilliant down to every detail. I was trying to find a clip from this week's episode depicting the Inauguration of George Washington.

Wow, what a scene.

Think about what that must have been like. To be there, a former resident of a country that dictated how you lived, what you thought and who you worshiped, now standing on the soil of a brand new nation built on the foundation of personal liberty. And watching the very first President of that liberty take his oath of office. That just gives me goose bumps. Bravo to HBO for capturing such a feeling. As soon as I can find it on YouTube, I'll put it up here.

Meanwhile, here's a scene from the first episode:

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