Guess what? I'm getting married. Yep. On 10/11/12, which is a year from today. It will indeed be a grand event. My fiance is named Cisco (he is indeed not a rapper) and we're quite happily in love. We decided to ruin it by getting married. Ha ha, I joke. I do lurve him and I'm very much looking forward to married life. He's my lobster.
I also got a cat at the end of last year that brings me much entertainment. Her name is Mrs. Buttersworth, Butters for short, and she is a calico that wants to rule the world. I'm going to post a picture of her.
She's pretty and cute. She's also a complete pain in the arse. Kind of like my dog. It's like having a set of salt and pepper shakers! I found out this week that Butters loves her some cat nip. The complication here is the my dog also loves the catnip. Is that okay? I give it to her regardless.
This concludes tonight's session of free association! Do have a nice evening.