Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Heavens to Murgatroid.

Just when I thought the demands couldn't get larger, I had to look at what Yahoo had to say about my horoscope.

"Even if it puts a stress on your free time, you must accept any and all invitations."

What? I don't have enough? Now I need to add sickening co-dependence to my repertoire? I think not. Bite me, Yahoo!

Sunday, February 22, 2009


In a stunningly good move by the Academy, a posthumous Best Supporting Actor Award was presented to Heath Ledger. Well done, Heath. RIP.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Oh how I yearn.

Spring break = t-minus 2.5 weeks. Yay.

But you know what precedes Spring break? Midterms. DOH.

I just wanna sleep. Please?

Monday, February 9, 2009

Land of the Free, Home of the Dense.

What kind of nonsense leads a person to believe that forcing her body to produce 14 children in two pregnancies is a sound decision? She already had SIX (SIX! that's her replaced SIX FOLD - imagine if everyone on this planet replaced him or herself SIX FOLD) and then she needed 8 MORE? Unlike paper towels at Sam's, children don't get cheaper in bulk!

For the love of all things holy, I can only hope this lady never has the nerve to ask the government for assistance taking care of those children.

Octuplets grandmother criticizes daughter

Friday, January 30, 2009

Some Gestalt for your Friday.

This will probably make no sense to a lot of people. But those who get it will find it highly amusing.

Pretty lady or old hag

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Thursday, January 22, 2009


Lost is soooooo CRAZY.

I'm too tired to elaborate, but those of you who are fans watched and understand. And the other 3 of you don't care.

"Why is there a dead Pakistani on my couch?"


Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Night has lost his mojo

So this weekend I rented "The Happening." It's anything but. Let me save you the rental cost or even watching it on cable for (relatively) free.

Plot summary: Everyone but Mark Wahlberg and his entourage kill themselves in violent, heinous ways.

The end.

Let's petition Hollywood to help Night find his mojo.

Sunday, January 11, 2009


Back to school again.
Happiness, thou evades me.
Fun, sleep: now extinct.

Monday, January 5, 2009